Cavity Wall Insulation.

Cavity Wall Insulation stores the heat within the inner walls, bouncing it back into the room and holding it for longer.

What is cavity wall insulation?


In today's world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are of utmost importance, finding ways to reduce our energy consumption and lower our carbon footprint is crucial.

One effective method is by insulating our homes, specifically the walls. Cavity wall insulation is a proven solution that not only helps save energy but also cuts down on heating costs. In this article, we will explore the benefits of cavity wall insulation, how it works, and why it is a wise investment for homeowners.

Understanding Cavity Walls

Before delving into the benefits of cavity wall insulation, it is important to understand what cavity walls are. Most homes built after the 1930s in the UK have external walls constructed with two layers, or skins, with a gap, known as the cavity, between them. This design allows for insulation material to be injected into the cavity, effectively preventing heat fromescaping to the outside.

To determine whether your home has cavity walls, you can examine the brickwork. If the bricks display only their long sides, your home likely has cavity walls. Conversely, if you notice an alternating long-short-long-short brick pattern, then your walls are solid and do not have a cavity. It is worth noting that cavity wall insulation is not suitable for homes with solid walls.

The Benefits of Cavity Wall Insulation


Cavity wall insulation offers several significant benefits for homeowners. Let's explore the advantages in more detail:

1. Energy Savings: One of the primary benefits of cavity wall insulation is the potential for substantial energy savings. According to the Energy Saving Trust and the National Housing Model, a gas-heated home can save up to £475 per year on heating bills with cavity wall insulation. These savings are based on average installation costs and fuel prices.

The insulation material injected into the cavity creates a barrier that prevents heat from escaping, keeping your home warmer for longer. As a result, you can reduce your reliance on heating systems, leading to decreased energy consumption and significant cost savings over time.

2. Reduced Heating Bills: Lowering your heating bills is a direct result of the energy savings provided by cavity wall insulation. By keeping the heat inside your home more effectively, you can reduce the amount of energy required to maintain a comfortable temperature. This reduction in energy consumption translates into lower heating costs, allowing you to save money while still enjoying a warm and cozy living environment.

3. Environmental Impact: Cavity wall insulation also contributes to reducing your carbon footprint and minimizing your environmental impact. By preventing heat loss, you decrease the amount of energy required to heat your home. As a result, less energy is produced, leading to reduced carbon dioxide emissions, a major contributor to climate change.

By investing in cavity wall insulation, you are taking a proactive step towards sustainability and helping to create a greener future for generations to come.

Is Cavity Wall Insulation Suitable for Your Home?


While cavity wall insulation offers numerous benefits, it is essential to ensure that your home is suitable for this type of insulation. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Unfilled Cavity Walls: Cavity wall insulation is only suitable for homes with unfilled cavity walls. If your external walls already have insulation material in the cavity, additional insulation may not be necessary. To determine if your walls are unfilled, you can consult a registered installer who can perform a borescope inspection or contact your local authority's building control department for confirmation.

2. Good Condition of Brickwork: The masonry and brickwork of your property should be in good condition for cavity wall insulation to be effective. It is essential to address any structural issues or poor maintenance, such as cracks in the walls, before proceeding with insulation. These issues can compromise the integrity of the insulation and lead to potential problems in the future.

3. Cavity Width: The width of your cavity plays a crucial role in determining if your home is suitable for cavity wall insulation. Generally, a minimum cavity width of 35mm is required for standard insulation materials. However, some forms of insulation may require a wider cavity of 50mm. A registered installer can assess the width of your cavity during a survey to ensure it meets the necessary requirements.

4. Exposed Locations: Homes located in exposed areas, where the external walls are subjected to extreme weather conditions and driving rain, may not be suitable for cavity wall insulation. The insulation material needs to remain dry to maintain its effectiveness. If your home is in an exposed location, alternative insulation methods such as external or internal solid wall insulation may be more appropriate.

5. Damp Issues: If you have any damp patches on your internal walls, it is crucial to address the issue before considering cavity wall insulation. Damp problems should be resolved by a specialist in damp prevention to ensure that the insulation is not affected by moisture and to maintain a healthy living environment.

How Cavity Wall Insulation Works


Cavity wall insulation involves injecting insulation material into the gap between the two layers of external walls. The process typically follows these steps:

1. Drilling Holes: A registered installer drills a series of small holes, approximately 25mm in diameter, into the mortar at regular intervals on the external walls. These holes serve as access points for injecting the insulation material.

2. Injection of Insulation: The installer uses special equipment to blow the insulation material into the cavity through the drilled holes. The most commonly used material for cavity wall insulation is polystyrene beads. These beads are effective at retaining heat and do not absorb moisture, making them an ideal choice for cavity insulation.

3. Hole Refilling: Once the insulation material is injected, the installer refills the drilled holes with an appropriate sealant. This process ensures that the holes are securely closed, and the exterior appearance of your home remains unaffected.

Costs and Savings


The cost of cavity wall insulation installation can vary depending on the size of your home. However, the savings on heating bills can recoup the installation costs within a relatively short period. Here are some estimated figures based on different types of homes:

House Type Typical Installation Cost Energy Bill Savings per Year:

Detached House £1,800 £475

Semi-Detached House £1,000 £361

Mid-Terrace House £580 £203

Detached Bungalow £800 £337

Purpose-Built Flat £395 £234

These figures are based on gas-heated homes and average fuel prices as of October 2022. It is important to note that the savings and payback period may vary depending on factors such as the size of the property, heating system efficiency, and individual energy consumption habits.

It is worth exploring finance options for energy efficiency improvements, including cavity wall insulation. Various grants and offers are available to help homeowners offset the costs and make the investment more accessible.

Potential Issues and Remedies


While cavity wall insulation is generally a reliable and effective solution, it is essential to address any issues that may arise. Here are some potential problems and their corresponding remedies:

1. Damp and Mould: If you notice dampness or mould growth on your walls after cavity wall insulation installation, it is crucial to contact the company responsible for the installation. They should investigate the issue and determine if it is related to the insulation work. If the problem is indeed caused by the insulation, the company should arrange for remedial work or, if necessary, removal of the insulation.

If the original installer is unable or unwilling to assist, you can contact the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA) to determine if your installation is covered by a 25-year guarantee. CIGA can help resolve issues under the terms of the guarantee. Alternatively, check your documentation for an independent insurance-backed guarantee that provides similar coverage.

2. Other Causes of Damp: It is important to note that damp patches on your walls may not be directly related to cavity wall insulation. Other factors, such as inadequate home maintenance or pre-existing damp problems, can contribute to dampness. If you suspect that the dampness is not insulation-related, consult a builder specialized in damp prevention to determine the root cause and address it accordingly.

3. Unsuitable Walls: Not all walls are suitable for cavity wall insulation. Certain conditions, such as narrow or uneven cavities, exposed locations, or a risk of flooding, may require alternative insulation methods. In these cases, it is important to consult a specialist foam insulation installer or consider external or internal solid wall insulation as viable alternatives.



Cavity wall insulation is a highly effective and cost-efficient way to reduce energy consumption, lower heating bills, and minimize your carbon footprint. By insulating the gap between the two layers of external walls, heat loss is significantly reduced, creating a more comfortable and energy-efficient home.

Before proceeding with cavity wall insulation, it is important to assess the suitability of your home and address any pre-existing issues. Engaging a registered installer ensures professional installation and access to guarantees that provide peace of mind.

Investing in cavity wall insulation is not only a smart financial decision but also a positive step towards a greener and more sustainable future. By taking action to reduce your energy consumption, you contribute to the preservation of our planet for generations to come.

If you are considering cavity wall insulation for your home, Ignite Sustainable Energy is here to help. As a leader in sustainable energy solutions, we have the expertise and experience to guide you through the process. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of cavity wall insulation and how it can transform your home into an energy-efficient haven.