Room in roof insulation.

Insulation boarding is installed in between the rafters underneath the existing plasterboard walls to help keep the heat inside.



In today's world, where energy efficiency and sustainability are paramount, finding effective ways to reduce energy consumption and lower carbon footprints is crucial. One innovative solution gaining popularity is room in roof insulation. This technique involves insulating the spaces between the rafters in a roof, creating a warm and comfortable living environment while significantly reducing energy bills. In this article, we will explore the benefits, materials used, and the installation process of room in roof insulation.

Understanding Room in Roof Insulation


Room in roof insulation is a technique that involves fitting insulation boards or spraying foam insulation between the rafters of a roof. This insulation acts as a barrier, preventing heat from escaping and creating a blanket effect within the home. By trapping heat, room in roof insulation helps maintain a warm and cosy living space, even in attic rooms. This not only enhances comfort but also reduces the need for excessive heating, resulting in substantial energy savings.

The Materials Used

1. Rigid Insulation Boards: This type of insulation board, such as Celotex or Kingspan, is fitted between the rafters to create a thermal barrier. These boards are effective at trapping heat and can be cut to the correct sizes for a snug fit. Once installed, plasterboard is applied on top to create the walls and ceiling of the room.

2. Sprayed Foam Insulation: While foam insulation can be an alternative to rigid insulation boards, it is not recommended for many properties. Foam insulation is sprayed between the rafters, filling the gaps. However, this method can hinder air circulation around the timbers, potentially leading to condensation and damp issues.

It is important to consult with professionals who specialize in sustainable energy solutions, such as Ignite Sustainable Energy, to determine the most suitable insulation material for your specific needs.

The Benefits of Room in Roof Insulation


Room in roof insulation offers numerous benefits, making it an attractive option for homeowners. Let's take a closer look at some of these advantages:

1. Enhanced Comfort: By effectively trapping heat, room in roof insulation keeps converted lofts and attic rooms warm and cosy. This improved insulation ensures a comfortable living space throughout the year.

2. Energy Savings: One of the significant advantages of room in roof insulation is the reduction in energy consumption. Heat loss through the roof is minimized, allowing your home to stay warm for longer periods without relying heavily on heating systems.

As a result, you can expect a noticeable decrease in your energy bills.

3. Increased Property Value: Installing room in roof insulation not only enhances the energy efficiency of your home but also increases its desirability and value. Potential buyers are increasingly looking for properties with sustainable features, and room in roof insulation can be a compelling selling point.

The Installation Process


Now that we have explored the benefits and materials used in room in roof insulation, let's delve into the installation process. It is essential to hire professionals who understand the intricacies of this technique and can ensure a seamless installation. Ignite Sustainable Energy, with their expertise in sustainable energy solutions, can guide you through theprocess from start to finish.

Step 1: Assessment and Survey

The first step is to assess the suitability of your property for room in roof insulation. A survey will be conducted to evaluate the existing insulation, roof structure, and any potential issues that may need addressing. Ignite Sustainable Energy's team of experts will thoroughly examine your attic space to determine the best approach for insulation.

Step 2: Material Selection

Based on the assessment, the appropriate insulation material will be selected. Factors such as the property's location, climate, and existing structure will influence this decision. Ignite Sustainable Energy will recommend the most effective and sustainable insulation solution for your specific needs.

Step 3: Installation

Once the materials are chosen, the installation process begins. If rigid insulation boards are selected, they will be fitted between the rafters, creating a thermal barrier. Ignite Sustainable Energy's team will ensure a precise and snug fit, maximizing the efficiency of the insulation. If foam insulation is chosen, it will be expertly sprayed between the rafters to minimize heat loss.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

After the insulation is installed, plasterboard is applied to create the walls and ceiling of the room. This provides a seamless and aesthetically pleasing finish. Ignite Sustainable Energy's attention to detail ensures a high-quality result that meets your expectations.



Room in roof insulation is a sustainable and effective solution for enhancing energy efficiency in homes. By effectively trapping heat and minimizing heat loss through the roof, this technique provides a warm and comfortable living space while reducing energy bills.

Ignite Sustainable Energy, with their commitment to sustainable practices and expertise in the industry, can guide you through the process of room in roof insulation. Invest in this innovative solution and reap the benefits of a more sustainable and energy-efficient home.